It all started with simple steps of obedience and faith, walking in love and the integrity of God’s Word since 1984. That’s what my ministry has stood on for 50 years and will stand on for the next 50 years. People have said that the word of faith teaches us you don’t ever have problems and that’s just not true. Our families have been faced with adversities. Sometimes you just go through something. It’s not that you don’t face obstacles and don’t face adversities, it’s what you do when you are faced with those adversities. How do you handle yourself, what do you do? You have a choice to choose “life”. And I was raised not to just take it but to fight it, stand against it, believe God and the integrity of His Word and I will come out on the other side.
Over 50 Years of Connecting People With God’s Love and Faith

Testimonies of Answered Prayer
My prayer for you is that the God of all grace anoints you with fresh oil and His precious Spirit illuminates the Word as you read. May He empower you to effectively communicate to others the vibrant hope that He has given you to persevere the struggles that you have overcome and continue to overcome. I pray that your home be a reflection of the joy and peace that God has promised to all of His children who follow Him. I bless your children, the fruit of your body. I speak life into your marriage, your ministry and your mission. As you lie down at night I pray for more than sleep. I pray for rest. Rest in Him and arise refreshed for I need you. Your prayers, your support and your love are important to me. So I pray you will take care of yourself. In Jesus mighty name ~AMEN
Please email us your praise reports from answer prayer
Our Mission
To see the lost saved, the sick healed, the distressed relieved, the broken restored, and the discouraged empowered to victory. TO TEACH, TRAIN, EDUCATE, AND EQUIP – transforming lives, healing hearts. Thus, resulting in a New Quality Of Living, Produced By A New Character In God —“ADDING LIFE TO LIVING!”